About This Webpage

I made the first version of this website in 6th grade on a site called Trinket.io. After I made the orginal version of the site I pushed a major update because we just learned how to add nav bars and backgrounds to a site. At the time of that update the site was very VERY unstable. After 6th grade ended I abandoned the site to work on other stuff during the summer. At the start of 7th grade I found out about Neocities and ported all of my code from Trinket to Neocities. The change to Neocities broke a lot of things that I made in Trinket. For example you can see that I have the removed broken web elements on the updates page. That was added because Neocities did not like to display ↓ which should display as the down arrow. Now at the time of me writing this its the end of 8th grade my freshman year of highschool and im pushing small stability updates to this site every couple days and major ones every 2 ish weeks. Best regards, Briged McCarthy

Contact me at Briged.debug@Brigeds-site.com